
An automotive dealership faced several challenges with their tag and title process, including employee accountability, tracking communication breakdowns, and inefficient customer communication. To address these issues, our company developed a comprehensive application that streamlined the process, improved internal communication, and enhanced customer service. The implementation of the application led to increased efficiency, better performance tracking, and an improved customer experience.


The automotive dealership faced several key challenges in their tag and title process:

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    Lack of employee accountability

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    Inability to track communication breakdowns

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    Inefficient communication with customers regarding tag and title status.

Our company was tasked with developing a solution to address these challenges and improve the overall tag and title process.

What we did

We developed a custom application with the following features:

  • 1
    Internal communication and tracking

    The application allows dealership staff to communicate internally, track, and log the progress of each tag and title process. This ensures that everyone is held accountable for their tasks, and any communication breakdowns can be easily identified and resolved.

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    Customer communication

    The application enables the dealership to communicate directly with the customer via email or text when the tags are ready, improving the customer experience.

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    Shipping options and payment integration

    Customers can request to have their tags shipped directly to them for a small fee. The application supports various online payment methods, including credit card transactions and Apple Pay, making the process more convenient for the customer.

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    iPad application for Customer Care Representatives

    An iPad application was developed to allow Customer Care Representatives to collect digital signatures when customers pick up their tags. The reps can also log when tags are shipped, ensuring a seamless process.

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    Performance reporting

    The application generates reports to measure the efficiency of the tag and title process, providing valuable insights for management to streamline operations further.


The implementation of the custom application led to several positive outcomes for the automotive dealership:

  • 1
    Improved employee accountability

    With the ability to track and log the tag and title process, employees are more accountable for their tasks, leading to increased efficiency.

  • 2
    Enhanced communication

    The application significantly reduced communication breakdowns between dealership staff and improved communication with customers, leading to a more streamlined process and better customer experience.

  • 3
    Streamlined process

    The dealership has seen a marked improvement in the tag and title process, resulting in faster processing times and increased customer satisfaction.

  • 4
    Increased revenue

    With the option for customers to have their tags shipped directly to them and a seamless payment process, the dealership has experienced an uptick in revenue from shipping fees.


The custom application developed for the automotive dealership successfully addressed the challenges in their tag and title process. The dealership now enjoys improved employee accountability, better communication, a more streamlined process, and increased customer satisfaction. This case study demonstrates the value of investing in tailored software solutions to address specific business challenges and optimize operations.